Wednesday 23 November 2011

New Stats - boost the passions

This morning, at 08.12 in my office, my stats in my 'Darjah Satu' blog shown me some good respond from the audiences who has visited my blog from 22nd of November to 23rd of November 2011. Even though, this morning was so heavy headed day because of the raining start its tears, with the cold and lazy body, it is all erase when I saw this stats growing positively, especially when there are some visitor from Germany, Italy and Macedonia.

Every morning, before I updated my Facebook (Six String Craze) or doing anything else including breakfast, checking my stats in my blog is my prime routine. Of course, everyday have the visitor but all of them majority are from Asia especially my own country, Malaysia. But not today!  1 from Germany, also an Italian and Macedonian.

Actually, the truth is, I don't want to be so proud or arrogant about this stats because, 1st this blog is still new, about 2 month its ages, no one know about it yet. 2nd, maybe all the visitor are lost in their search engine and suddenly has trapped in my blog then the stats begin to count. Anything can happen, but the good is, the stats never lie to you, except you lie to, Alhamdulillah for what ever it is.

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