Wednesday 30 November 2011

Once again, provision of Allah s.w.t.

After struggling finish my long journey to the one of the southern part of Malaysia, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, I've make another appointment in making of money, gain an experience, practicing skill of photography and of course a connection around people in Pokok Sena, Kedah.

 This excitement would not be given without bless of Allah s.w.t, our parent's pray, and also the one who love and support us from the beginning until now.

Alhamdulillah, hope more job and the effort of making money will still firm in my heart based on the sincerely heart in doing this kind of job or any role that god given to me. Not centric only to make a money, but also given and help some people to having a nice wedding moment in life. What have god give to you, you must give it back to His servants.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Melebar Jajahan ke Port Dickson (PD)

Berbekal nasik lemak, bag pack, lowerpro outback 200, minyak kereta rm50, minyak cap kapak dan gadis peneman setia (Hasmira heh!), akhirnya tercapai juga hasrat 'I saw, I came, I conquered' PD! Dengan impian mempasak nama 'Knight of D700' ke seluruh Malaysia...The Lone Fotorangers oo'yeah!

Mencuba perbezaan tension color
Tambah oren sikit

Thursday 24 November 2011

Kenapa Muzik?

Kenapa muzik menjadi sebahagian daripada intipati kehidupan?

Tahun 2001
Pi kedai Cina Yamaha Kangar, beli gitar tong warna biru brand cokia pnya tapi bunyi sedap. Usung bawa balik rumah dengan beg pun tak ada. Satu Kangar tengok lain macam sebab naik moto saja masa tu. Sebulan pertama dok tong..teng..tong..teng..ada bunyi tapi xda melodi atau lagu. Tuning pun tak betul lagi, masih tak pandai-pandai walaupun dah beli buku asas gitar (buku kecil warna biru).

Cukup bulan kedua, gitar tong dah terperosok bawah katil siap berdebu dan tali dah berkarat. Rasa macam putus harapan nak belajar main lagi sebab tak ada guide dan tok guru yang mahu ajar. Masa tu, ada kawan-kawan yang dah boleh main, cekap, mahir dan amanah (pada scaling dan chord). Gitar tong biru masih dok tong..teng..tong..teng lagi. 

Oleh kerana tak ada siapa-siapa yang sudi untuk luang masa mengajar atau bagi ilmu (kes ni macam orang nak belajar photoshop jugalah dalam post yang terdahulu : 13 Okt 2011), terjumpalah satu web mengajar bermain lagu dan bukan belajar pegang chord lagi. Sebab pegang chord dah pandai..sampai ke 7th chord pun dah boleh pegang walaupun out of tune.

Lagu paling mudah untuk dipelajari dan juga lagu pertama yang dipelajari pada masa tu - Wet Blanket by Butterfingers. Memang mudah dan sesuai untuk dipelajari pada tahap kemahiran waktu itu. Dari situlah, dapat mempelajari lagu-lagu yang lain dengan pelbagai genre dan tahap kelajuan ( time speed ).

Cukup dua tahun, dah berkira-kira untuk buat band sendiri dan mula start cipta lagu sendiri untuk band sebab dah terlalu lama dan bosan mendendangkan lagu cover saja. Alhamdulillah dapat keluarkan satu mini pakej demo, ada 4 lagu tapi sayangnya satu cd atau satu lagu pun tak ada dalam simpanan...rugi,rugi...

Lepas STPM, masuk kelas muzik Yamaha di Music System Alor Star. Kelas seminggu sekali dan belajar teori juga untuk memperkemaskan diri. Bila dah masuk kelas formal, baru nampak bertapa luas pergerakan dan perkembangan komposisi lagu melalui susunan chord dan ritma yang bagus. Baru ternganga untuk faham scaling dan triad chord serta macam-macam lagi yang diajar oleh Cikgu Azhar ( pada masa tu ).

Settle di Music System pada gred 4, ( semua gred 8 - baru master of olympusss ) 2005 & 2006 bertapa lagi di Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan (ASWARA) KL di bawah kendalian Arwah Samad Lefthanded ( praktikal ) dan Rasdan Abbas ( teori-note togey2 ). Ilmu masa tu memang mantap dan siap boleh buat voice leading dan harmoni untuk satu band atau choir melalui perisian Cakewalk. Pada masa ni, kalau dengar lagu, dah boleh cari chord sendiri, siap solo dan improvising sikit. Alhamdulillah, anugerah Allah.

Pada masa tu juga, sekali sekala balik Ps, jumpa memba2 jamming, boleh juga perturun ilmu yang ada sikit ni untuk kawan-kawan dan ada yang dapat terima faham dan ada yang tak faham-faham sampai ke sudah pun jenuh.

Cuba untuk belajar classical gitar dan gambus dengan hasrat untuk mengembangkan kemahiran tapi sebab kekangan masa dan nak graduate on time, terpaksa skip kelas tu dan ambik subjek lain. Mungkin di lain masa boleh belajar lagi..tapi rupanya classical gitar tak sama dengan gitar biasa yang boleh dipelajari melalui internet. Mesti ada sifu dok di depan untuk ketuk jari, betulkan cara picking or plucking.

Buat band lagi dengan geng taman dan main lagu-lagu lebih berat dan berbanding sebelum ni yang hanya main lagu-lagu evergreen, blues, jazz dan sikit2 rock yang tak segarnaz mana la. Sampai sekarang masih bersama band geng taman..merata studio dok pi main..dari Changlun bawa sampai ke Kuala Perlis.

2010 dan 2011
Masih giat main walaupun kekekekekangan masa wwoi!

10 Kesimpulan Mengenai MUZIK.
1. Kerana ia satu ekpresi diri melalui bunyian.
2. Kerana ia satu bahasa yang dapat difahami oleh segenap masyarakat dunia yang mempelajari 'bahasa muzik'.
3. Mendisiplinkan diri (hahaha..ayat exam)
4. Bermain muzik, membawa diri ke dalam satu dunia baru...jauh dari budaya majoriti.
5. Tingkatkan fokus, jauh dari maksiat
6. Diet yang baik - sebab berjam-jam dok terperuk dalam bilik/mini studio.
7. Memberi ilham ( gambar gadis bertudung - kredit tu Hasmira heh! )
8. "Muzik untuk orang bijak matematik" - Cikgu Azhar
9. Mengenal diri.
10. InsyaAllah, tak tinggal sembahyang.

*dipungut daripada pengalaman dan ulangtahun ke 10 bermain muzik.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

New Stats - boost the passions

This morning, at 08.12 in my office, my stats in my 'Darjah Satu' blog shown me some good respond from the audiences who has visited my blog from 22nd of November to 23rd of November 2011. Even though, this morning was so heavy headed day because of the raining start its tears, with the cold and lazy body, it is all erase when I saw this stats growing positively, especially when there are some visitor from Germany, Italy and Macedonia.

Every morning, before I updated my Facebook (Six String Craze) or doing anything else including breakfast, checking my stats in my blog is my prime routine. Of course, everyday have the visitor but all of them majority are from Asia especially my own country, Malaysia. But not today!  1 from Germany, also an Italian and Macedonian.

Actually, the truth is, I don't want to be so proud or arrogant about this stats because, 1st this blog is still new, about 2 month its ages, no one know about it yet. 2nd, maybe all the visitor are lost in their search engine and suddenly has trapped in my blog then the stats begin to count. Anything can happen, but the good is, the stats never lie to you, except you lie to, Alhamdulillah for what ever it is.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Sekutu Pangenam

Percubaan merekabentuk theme ala-ala 'Children of Bodom'. Nak buat macam mana, dah dok terpengaruh dengan lagu-lagu alam kubur macam tu heh!

Nakorn Si Thammarat - a new experience away from Malaysia - Thailand Border

 The Place
A new place to visit to gain an experience of a different culture, scenery, food, society and of cause the power of nationality of the Thailand people.
Nakorn Si Thammarat is located in the Southern of Thailand which I still can't believe that my journey there is actually only quarter part (maybe it doesn't reach that part yet) of the 'Gajah Putih' country. That's portrayed, how big its country compared to my own, especially Perlis which once, was also part of the Siam territory. (itu cerita lama laa..)

The city has a much larger north to south extension than west to east, which dates back to its original location on a flood-save dune. Its has a very long straight business activities with a double story shop along the road that maybe the Siamese people over there do it as their home or business trade among them or foreigner.

As one of the most ancient cities of Thailand, Nakorn Si Thammarat contains and sustain their historical significance buildings as their symbol of Siamese people who got a strong nationality spirits.
The Scenery
I don't have much opportunity to take an appreciation picture to express how beautiful and calm this city was especially on my way in the Chang's car ( the taxi driver) which presented me with an extraordinary view along the highway.

The left and right of the highway is full of great natural landscape by the mother nature feels. About 4 hour from Malaysia-Thailand Border to this place, I feel that there's much more will be shown and get if I have the time to take a good shoot over there.

Maybe, many people have been many time in Hatyai or Bangkok, but I believe that only several people who love to travel by road, will reach here. It is not a tourism place because actually it doesn't have any tourism attraction, maybe. But the feel of being there, can not be describe. It is like winning some trophy., straight 'A' or pass a motorcycle test!

The Food
Sambal belacan, siput apa pun tak tau, 'aromatic rice' which very popular in Thailand and the seafood, that have been serve, does not  have much of a difference then in Hatyai or other places in Southern area in Thailand. But actually,  its also same with the Malaysian food, but just the taste, the way it cook and the 'Thai feel' was so awesome!