Tuesday, 27 March 2012

New involvement in the field of art and design

DIL poster, A3 size. Some of their activity in Perlis Bowls on early March 2012.

Anugerah Seri Gemilang 2011 UniMAP

Example picture of the anugerah fully edited. It will include a frame in A4 size.

Original edited

New pattern edited

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

HDR Experimental Volume 1

Kanak-kanak yang mula-mula belajar mengeksperoitasikan HDR thru CS3, comp spec window 95 - ada slot disket.

Putrajaya 1

Putrajaya 7.30 am on March 3rd 2012

Istana Kehakiman at the same day (pic above)

Somewhere in Hatyai street, Thailand on March 10th 2012

Suddenly ter'snap'

Mosque in Hatyai, Thailand

The Same mosque